Backend management

Backend management

You will collect a lot of data as time goes by and customers visit your leisure centre. But data means nothing; you want valuable information. That's what ClubSpeed is all about...


Web portal

The web portal is accessible from anywhere and with any device. Log in and run (existing or customized) reports on:

  • sales and products

  • costs

  • activities

  • staff, etc.


  • send mass e-mails to your customers, based on your selections. Analyze your data, pick your customer groups, and get in touch with them with personalized offers

  • use the built-in survey system to get valuable feedback from your (selected) customers. An easy and quick way to improve your business

  • and more




ClubSpeed offers an integrated time clock for your staff, so you can registrate and analyze their hours. Reports and forecasts come along with it.




Clubspeed allows an easy and quick setup of POS items, new users, additional reports, etc.



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